Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 93-96
Parotid sialoliths are very rare and frequent than that of submandibular sialoliths. However, if present they are manifested by group of clinical features such as unilateral swelling, pain whose onset and progression coincides with intake of food, etc. Even-though as there are many availing advanced diagnostic and treatment modalities like Sialoendoscopy, Lithotripsy, etc. still the conventional sialography is considered as a gold standard approach as it is not only cost-effective but also because of its increased specificity. Here we are reporting such a case of sialolithiasis of left parotid gland diagnosed and treated with conventional sialography.
Keywords: Painful swelling, Left cheek region, Eye blinking, Facial twichings, Sialography, Sialolithiasis.
How to cite : Soujanya S, Harshavardhan T, Jayakrishna, Vinuthna, Rao P, Sialolithiasis of parotid gland with visible facial nerve twitchings – A rare case report with review of literature. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2019;5(4):93-96
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