Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 9-11
Background: Gender determination of unknown or deceased individual is an important task of forensic sciences. Sometimes, only skull remains are available for identification, in such situations frontal sinus radiographs can be used for gender determination.
Objective: The present study was aimed to determine gender among Bihar population using PNS view cephalograph.
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 individuals (50-male, 50-female) aged between 20-30 years were included in the study for which height and width of frontal sinus was determined using PNS view radiographs.
Results: Significant differences were observed for frontal sinus height and width between males and females.
Conclusion: Frontal sinus measurements can be used as a tool for gender determination.
Keywords: Forensic, Frontal sinus, Gender, Imaging.
How to cite : Kumar S, Parsad A, Parsad R, Singh R, Kumar K, Frontal sinus imaging: Tool for gender determination. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2020;6(1):9-11
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