Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 33-36
Digital radiography has been accessible in dentistry for over 25 years, yet it has not supplanted customary
film-based radiography totally. This could be a result of the costs engaged with supplanting ordinary
radiographic hardware with a digital imaging framework, or on the grounds that actualizing new innovation
in the dental practice requires a touch of fearlessness. As utilization of digital radiography turns out to be
increasingly normal, many dental specialists are thinking about whether and how they can supplant regular
film-based imaging with a digital framework. In this review article we will tell the digital imaging and its
recent advancements.
Keywords: Digital radiography, Xray, Bluetooth, CCD, CMOS.
How to cite : Hassan S A, Bhateja S , Arora G , Prathyusha F, Digital Radiography. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2020;6(2):33-36
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