Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 44-45
The dental mouth mirror is one of the most common diagnostic instrument used in dentistry. This tool is
small, cylindrical in shape, consisting of a metal/plastic bar as a handle and a metal/plastic plate as a mirror
holder. The head of a dental mouth mirror is usually round and the most commonly used sizes are number 4
and number 5. The ruler used in dentistry is present either in the form of stainless steel bar or plastic rings.
The ruler is used to measure the intraoral lesions, spaces between teeth in mouth or stone model, length of
the tooth or implant in X-Ray, measure the length of files, paper tips and gutta-percha, etc. Therefore, AR
Scalo Mirror is a combination of two dental instruments (mouth mirror and scale) which are put together as
one so that it saves the time and effort as well as makes the diagnostic procedure less technique sensitive.
Keywords: Mouth mirror, Scale, AR scalo mirror.
How to cite : Rohmetra A , Gupta N, Jaiswal A , A mirror with a scale- AR scalo mirror. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2020;6(2):44-45
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