Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 94-98
The surgical remedy of problems related to lower jaw 3 molars is related to common surgical risks like contamination, haemorrhage, pain and swelling. Certain unique risks are related with such surgery, specifically inferior alveolar and lingual nerve harm as these are adjacent vital structures. Risk assessment calls for an entire understanding of dental factors that can impact the care of these characteristic structures. Preoperative radiographic assessment warrants to provide data about the tooth itself, its encompassing bone, the neighbouring dentition, and related anatomical structural systems. Parameters that ought to be assessed are level of impaction, root formulations, angulation of the enamel, number of roots, root morphology, related pathology and, most importantly, the relation some of the crown/roots and the mandibular canal. An appropriate imaging method for 3 molars ought to display the complete 3rd molar and the mandibular canal below it. In this mini review, we elaborate on the generally used radiographic assessment methods of mandibular 3rd molars.
Keywords: Radiograph, Mandibular, Molar.
How to cite : Qahtani F N A, Kukreja P, Qahtani A F A, Qahtani M F A, Qahtani M F A, Ghamdi B A A A, Radiographic assessment of impacted mandibular third molars. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2021;7(3):94-98
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Received : 24-09-2021
Accepted : 29-09-2021
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