Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 189-190
Congenital anomalies of tongue happen as a result of disturbances in the embryological development of tongue which starts at fourth month of intra uterine life. Anomalies of tongue are very common and it appears as isolated lesion or as part of any syndrome. Accessory tongue is one of the rarest developmental disorders of tongue. Here is the case report of a non-syndromic accessory tongue in female patient
Keywords: Tongue, Developmental anomaly, Accessory tongue
How to cite : Sasidharan M, Accessory tongue — A case report. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2021;7(4):189-190
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Received : 29-11-2021
Accepted : 12-01-2022
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