Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 1, Year : 2016
Article Page : 17-21
Purpose: Third molar impaction is the most important clinical issue because it is involved in number of pathologies such as pericoronitis, caries, periodontitis, pathological resorption of mandibular second molar, cyst formation, benign and malignant odontogenic tumours and incisor crowding. The study based on impaction status of third molars and prediction of eruption is highly needful because early extraction of this teeth might help to avoid further complication or avoid extraction of the teeth that may possibly erupt normally.
Materials & Methods: 90 cases were selected according to the inclusion & exclusion criteria and panoramic radiograph was taken in Planmeca Promax panoramic x-ray machine. Two variables A (angle b/w long axis of second and third molar) & B (angle b/w long axis of third molar and tangent to the lower border of mandible) were measured from the panoramic radiograph for each case and the study was followed-up for 3 years. Mann-Whitney u test was carried out for statistical analysis.
Results: All the cases in the completely erupted group were in the angulation range of 20-30o for the variable A & 66.67% cases were in the angulation range of 60-70o for the variable B.
Conclusion: Mesially inclined third molars with an angulation range of 20-30o for the variable A & an angulation range of 60-70o for the variable B will be having more probability for complete eruption.
Key words: Angulation of the third molar, Panoramic radiograph, PMM3, Mandibular third molar
How to cite : Kumar Sreeja P., Madhu G, Prashanth S K, Laxmikanth C, Suresh K V, Panoramic Radiograph as a Diagnostic Tool for the Prediction of Mandibular Third Molar Eruption. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2016;2(1):17-21
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