Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 54-57
Sleep apnoea is a common condition in the elderly population with potentially significant consequences, including comorbidity and cognitive decline. There is now a wealth of information indicating that untreated sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular event, a higher propensity of sudden death during sleep and a greater risk for stroke and all-cause mortality. Consequently, OSA represents a significant evolving public health challenge in both the developed and developing world. Currently many cases of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome are unrecognized which leads to unnecessary morbidity and even mortality. By posing a few additional questions during the routine clinical interview, patients in need for further diagnostic testing can be easily identified. The best methods of diagnosis are costly and increased sophistication of screening devices and interpreting physicians are required to reduce the need for full polysomnography. CBCT, with its 3D presentation of the airway and its surrounding structures, offers the increased visualization of both untreated obstruction tendencies and potentially of changes in the airway by treatment modality.
Keywords: CBCT, Sleep apnea, Airway assessment.
How to cite : Jan S M, Pachipulusu B, Govindraju P, Role of CBCT in sleep apnea – A review. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2023;9(2):54-57
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Received : 20-09-2022
Accepted : 19-06-2023
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