Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 119-124
Interdisciplinary science has a focus on occlusion. The intricate operation of the stomatognathic scheme depends on achieving optimal physiological occlusion, which differs from person to person. The maximum intercuspation, maximum biting force, first contact force, and centre of force are all recorded by the T-Scan system. An overview of the system and its dental clinical applications is provided in this review.
Keywords: T Scan, Occlusion, Dentistry
How to cite : Vishnurao S G, Astekar M, Aggarwal A, T scan – A review on an occlusal indicator in dentistry. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2023;9(3):119-124
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Received : 23-08-2023
Accepted : 14-09-2023
Viewed: 1314
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