Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2018
Article Page : 122-125
Introduction: Aim of the present study is to determine gender using morphometric measurements on the frontal sinuses MDCT- scan.
Materials and Methods: The study included 100 subjects (50 males and 50 females). For each participant frontal sinus dimensions were measured for both sides using MDCT on commercially available software.
Results: The mean lengths of Right width, Left width, Left depth and Left height were significantly larger in males than in females. There was no significant difference in measurements of both sides in either males or females.
Conclusion: Some parameters in frontal sinuses were significantly larger in males and these can be used in forensic for determination of gender. Sample size was small so study with larger sample size is advised in future.
Keywords: Frontal sinus, Morphometric analysis, Sex, Computed tomography, MDCT, CT.
How to cite : Chalkoo A H, Sharma P, Nazir N , Tariq S, Evaluation of the frontal sinuses dimensions in sex estimation among a sample of adult Kashmiri population using multidetector computed tomography. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging 2018;4(4):122-125
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